The UTS research ecosystem illustrates our overarching research ambitions and situates our strategic initiatives in their dynamic internal and external landscapes.
These work together to influence what we do, how we do it and their likelihood of success.
The ecosystem demonstrates the connected and interdependent nature of our research endeavours at UTS, as well as their intrinsic value.
Together, these initiatives help create a setting in which our research is sustainable and self-sustaining. Find out more by visiting the UTS Ecosystem Sharepoint.
Our core pillars
The five core pillars of the ecosystem reflect UTS Research Strategy initiatives, with guiding plans developed for:
Research concentrations and collaborations
Research concentrations and collaborations establishes improved foundations for mobilising UTS’s research expertise around targeted problems or opportunities, irrespective of the organisational structures in the university. Concentrations encompass any UTS internal grouping of researchers formally endorsed and partly resourced by the University, including out research centres and research networks. Profiles of our concentrations are available from here.
Read the Research concentrations and collaboration white paper.
Knowledge exchange
Knowledge Exchange will be core to UTS 2030 and represents a different way of working. It connects our core functions of teaching, research and engagement. This involves the collaborative creation and sharing of knowledge with external stakeholders.
Read the Knowledge Exchange white paper.
Research translation
Research Translation encompasses our deliberate focus on the translation in all of its forms being embedded as a fundamental part of the research endeavour.
Read the Research Translation white paper.
International positioning
International Positioning details UTS’ approach to leveraging our reputational capital and scale our research in close collaboration with strategically beneficial, aligned and respected international partners that have research profiles which enhance our own.
Read the International Positioning white paper.
Deep sector engagement
Deep Sector Engagement are areas of critical mass across our research that align with specific industry sectors. These present opportunities to deepen our engagement and change the dynamics of the typical university-industry relationship. We aim to have intimate knowledge and connections in each sector, substantial scale of research, knowledge exchange and research translation activities, and university-level sector-specific strategy - aiming to be a partner of choice.
Read the Deep Sector Engagement white paper.

What's next?
Keep up to date with initiatives related to the UTS research ecosystem at the Ecosystem Sharepoint.