UTS is committed to producing high-quality, internationally respected research that has significant economic, environmental, cultural and social impact and supports the application of new technologies and solutions to important national and global challenges.
UTS Researchers can apply for funding from internal, corporate, public sector, national and international sources.
Be informed about funding opportunities
We encourage you to subscribe to the UTS Research Opportunities Newsletter, use the variety of research tools available to UTS researchers and connect with the Research Office for information and guidance about relevant opportunities.
Pivot-RP is a new database that connects you to Australian and International funding opportunities that align to your research interests. UTS has moved from Research Professional to Pivot-RP, a database that enables you to search for grants, awards, fellowships and other opportunities including from UTS.
You can set up personalised searches and alerts to stay informed of new funding opportunities that align with your research profile and find collaborators.
Research Support
The UTS Research Office supports all funding applications including for travel grants, scholarships, infrastructure and equipment schemes, project funding, fellowships, prizes and awards, government grants schemes and philanthropic donors.
Decisions about whether or not to accept funding for a particular project, or from a particular source are informed by the UTS Guidelines for Accepting Research Funding.
Need help?
- For grants, get in touch with the Research Office Grants Team by email research.grants@uts.edu.au
- For prizes get in touch with the Research Capability and Development Team by email RCD@uts.edu.au