Systems and Tools
Find the important tools, systems and databases that are used to conduct, report and manage research activities at UTS.
Available Systems
Discover and be discovered
These online tools will assist you in identifying collaboration opportunities.
- As a UTS staff member your Discovery Profile allows internal and external audiences to search you by name, keywords or disciplines. Using data populated from Symplectic Elements, Discovery Profiles make it quick and easy to have an up-to-date public profile that showcases the breadth of your expertise. Professional staff are encouraged to also create a Discovery Profile.
- A Power BI tool for researcher career development, Collaborator Finder enables you to identify collaboration opportunities and find collaborators based on project and publication details. It helps you discover potential co-investigators for funding based on income categories and search for potential co-authors based on publication data.
Browse research databases
These online databases allow for location of multi-disciplinary, peer reviewed literature and associated citation data.
- Overton is the world’s largest collection of policy documents, parliamentary transcripts, government guidance and think tank research. It collects data globally from over 180 countries and in many different languages. Overton indexes documents to make them searchable and maps the connections between them, scholarly research and the news media, giving insight into the evidence and influences that are shaping the world around us.
- A database for locating multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed literature and associated citation data, Web of Science Core Collection contains records of articles from the highest impact journals worldwide—including open access journals— conference proceedings and books. It allows you to explore the deep citation connections in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with a curated collection of more than 21,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide.
- Open Publications of UTS Scholars (OPUS) is the UTS open access digital repository, which showcases UTS research excellence to a world-wide audience. OPUS collects, preserves, indexes, and disseminates the research outputs of UTS staff and postgraduate students, providing free global access to the full text of works where possible. Since 2014, the UTS Open Access Policy requires UTS researchers to add their research publications to OPUS to facilitate public access to the University’s research.
- An Elsevier database for locating multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed literature and associated citation data, Scopus uniquely combines a comprehensive abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature. You can quickly find relevant and authoritative research, identify experts and access reliable data, metrics and analytical tools. Using precise search and analytical tools, Scopus provides you with the insights to drive better decisions, actions, and outcomes.