Web of Science
Web of Science

Web of Science Core Collection is the world's leading citation database. It contains records of articles from the highest impact journals worldwide—including open access journals— conference proceedings and books. Coverage of some titles date back to 1900. It allows you to explore the deep citation connections in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. A curated collection of more than 21,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 sciences, social sciences, and arts & humanities disciplines, as well as conference proceedings and book data.
Web of Science Core Collection content is selective and indexing is consistent. Every article and all cited references from every journal has been indexed, creating the most comprehensive and complete citation network to support discovery and assessment.
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Using Web of Science Core Collection
- For resources and support visit the Clarivate Web of Science Support Community. UTS Library has a series of videos to show you how to use Web of Science, watch now. Clarivate Analytics also have tutorials and guide.
- Web of Science uses Journal Impact Factor (JIF), 5-year JIF. JIF is the average number of times that the articles from the journal published in the past two years (e.g., 2014-2015) have been cited in the JCR year (e.g., 2016). JCR is calculated annually. Only use JIF to compare journals in the same field. For more journal metrics, use Journal Citation Reports.
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