Are you supporting or planning to engage in research with or about people, their data or their tissue? A new, self-paced learning module now available on Canvas entitled Human Research Ethics introduces its values, principles and review.
Understand the principles of Human Research Ethics

The module provides information to help you design a human research project and understand how ethics reviewers will consider your design against the guidance provided in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.
Based on, and directly cross referencing with the National Statement, the module outlines why research ethics review was introduced internationally. It introduces the key agencies and documents associated with Australian ethics review and points out important changes in 2023 National Statement. These include a refined risk matrix approach and the requirements of granting an exemption from ethics review.
Merrilee Kessler, UTS Research Ethics Coordinator said that UTS commissioned this module for its research community.
“We wanted to provide a course that introduced the key research ethics concepts such as risk and benefit, consent, recruitment and data management, in a way that helps researchers understand the language and intent of ethics review,” she said.

The module highlights the kinds of responses needed in an ethics application to show that the research design meets the expectations of the National Statement. It looks at current issues like AI, social media in research and Big Data.
“It also includes research that UTS doesn’t come across as often, but which provides great scope for ethical investigation, such as Genomic research and Animal-to-human xenotransplantation,” Merrilee explained.
We wanted to provide a course that introduced the key research ethics concepts such as risk and benefit, consent, recruitment and data management
Keith Heggart, UTS researcher and ethics reviewer, was one of the first to complete the module.
“I think it’s important for early career researchers to understand that going through the ethics process is not just a matter of ticking the right boxes and filling in the right forms. Instead, it’s a thoughtful, nuanced engagement with ideas like justice, beneficence and risk,” he said.
“Done well, careful completion of the ethics approval process improves research projects. This course does a great job of carefully explaining this point, and as such, I recommend it for all early career researchers - and experienced ones too!”
Done well, careful completion of the ethics approval process improves research projects.
Contributing to research excellence
Importantly, the Human Research Ethics module covers key aspects of the UTS Research Outcomes Capability Framework | RES Hub ( including those relating to:
- Research life cycle: Best practice in research project management from research ethics and integrity, policy and procedures, data management policy and systems to IP management and security.
- Research leadership: Confidence to champion research integrity and best practice in research project management, mentor successfully and deliver ethical and robust research with integrity.
- Creativity and innovation: Knowledge of ‘human-centred’ research methods and practices.
- Indigenous led knowledges and research: Knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Research Ethics (e.g. AIATSIS, NHMRC, community protocols) and the ability to ensure that research processes and outputs will not harm Indigenous peoples and communities.
“We also look at the relevant UTS policies, procedures and systems,” added Merrilee.
“At the end of the course, participants will have the ability to identify and manage risk and appropriately manage data – including by planning for re-use and reproducibility, archiving and sharing with appropriate audiences.”
About the Human Research Ethics Module
Human Research Ethics takes approximately two hours to complete and can be accessed as many times as needed once an account has been opened.
A Certificate of Completion is available for download.
Access the training at
Find ethics training and support
- Visit the Ethics Sharepoint site - Research Ethics and Integrity - Home (
- Make an appointment to attend clinics for Animal Ethics, General Research Ethics or Health Related Research - Ethics clinics (
- Register for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training- GCP training page
Need more information? Get in touch with the Research Ethics team by email