Inclusion, equity and social justice remain high on the agenda in the higher education sector. Why do these concepts matter? How do we convert the principles of inclusion into practice?
Practising inclusion: working and teaching for social justice

In a unique UTS microcredential, Practising inclusion: working and teaching for social justice, you’ll explore the theories and frameworks of equity, inclusion and social justice and learn to design practical solutions that bring these concepts to life in the higher education environment.
Join the microcredential over 6 weeks and 4 sessions to better understand how to support colleagues, students and communities for more inclusive and just environments.
"We know a lot about exclusionary practices evidenced by lived experiences of access and support challenges, for students and staff," said course convenor Dr Franziska Trede, Professor of Higher Education and Professional Practice. "We are at a point now where we need to be courageous and act for positive change that really makes a difference."
Referring to findings published in a recent research paper entitled, Advancing inclusive practices in higher education: possibilities and limitations of a social justice professional development course, Franziska noted the complex nature of these issues.
"What I’ve really taken from this subject is this lens of intersectionality and being able to see what are all of these complex overlaps that inform the students that are in my class, their needs, and how they're gonna engage in the subject, " she said.
During her research, Franziska discovered a theoretical basis for the work that she hadn't previously experienced.
"There were so many little things that I think overall have given me confidence to advocate in stronger ways or pursue actions that I think will make a difference, or bring certain issues to attention," she explained. "It's about empowering us. And we're being empowered by being able to just look, be aware that there are other ways of doing things, other options and so it's that empowerment through learning."
Course participants reported gaining a deeper understanding of inclusion and equity issues.
“I have had lots of conversations with colleagues around Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous practices and First Nations perspectives, and that was taking place before this Microcredential. But I felt I came out of the elective with a much deeper appreciation for the nuances of that,” one graduate said.
Another graduate from the course said, “What I’ve really taken from that subject is this lens of intersectionality and being able to see all of these complex overlaps that inform the students that are in my class, their needs, and how they’re going to engage in the subject.”
About the microcredential
Practising inclusion: working and teaching for social justice is delivered online over 6 weeks. The microcredential is unique because of its distinctive approach that helps relate self to the broad ideas of intersectionality, relationality and agency. It is open to everyone, with a particular focus on equity practitioners, professional and academic teachers as well as leaders in equity.
The microcredential has been designed to:
- Immerse you in the latest theories, concepts and frameworks related to inclusive practices in higher education
- Strengthen your ability to design practical solutions and strategies to maintain or create more inclusive environments
- Equip you with the skills, resources and knowledge to be an effective, accountable and responsible ally for social change
- Develop your ability to analyse complex issues and reflect critically and creatively as an inclusive practitioner.
The course fosters confidence, agency and a sense of permission to act for inclusive and socially just practices and pedagogies in higher education.
Who should do this microcredential?
This microcredential is suitable for anyone with an interest in inclusive practice in higher education, including:
- Academics
- University professional staff
- Professionals working in organisations related to higher education
- PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.
Educate yourself about social justice scholarship, question your own assumptions and practices, get inspired by peers and teachers.
Register to attend
Practising inclusion: working and teaching for social justice takes place from Monday 3 March 2025 - Friday 11 Apr 2025:
- 7 March, 10am – 11:30am
- 14 March, 10am – 11:30am
- 28 March, 10am – 11:30am
- 7 April, 10am – 11:30am
10 sponsored places are available for UTS staff, allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Alternatively, you can find pricing information on the event page.
Enrolments close on Monday 3 March 2025 at 9am AEDT, or when all places have been filled, whichever occurs first.
Course purchase is subject to UTS Open Terms and Conditions.
Be part of a forward-thinking environment where your expertise shapes the future of inclusive higher education with social justice impact in 2025 and beyond.